sexta-feira, 25 de março de 2011


By Marciel S. Santos
Often we are planning our day. That is fact!
We agree, and even since the day before, we designed our activities, our affairs for the next day or that we just be awakened. Our thoughts lead us to these activities in a natural way, appropriate and even fair. Every appointment, every achievement, every attitude, sometimes repeated and others not yet confirmed, but there is always the rationality that spontaneous thought process, the soul.
We plan in a short and long term. That material acquisition, that desire to perform, that meeting, the spectacle of nature or the sight of human art, we plan. The feelings, the people around us, achievements, accomplishments, dreams and seemingly impossible possible.
The first. There is always the first. The first victory, the first conquest, the first. The interesting question is what do we constantly remind ourselves of these, even if you spend some time, they come to mind.
We are reminded and encouraged to continue to seek the "our" happiness, "the important thing is to be happy," they say. And we plan our happiness. And undoubtedly, it needs to be with someone because there is no individual happiness. You can not be happy alone. That's impossible. Until someone can think so, but it is an anomaly, their way to rationalize and thus accept the supposed happiness. Anyway, it's still a plan.
The search for happiness is rational, it often becomes irrational, but irrationality is that until the planning, even outside the patterns and connections accepted and understood.And probably, here's the point, this irrationality, as proved in the course of events in the subsequent analysis, the initial planning, somehow got out of control.
Each morning and we know what we will accomplish. Within 24 hours we offer have, believe it or not, just the notion of the potential achievements of our intentions. But when something happens, the unexpected, surprise, the imponderable, the unplanned results in an upset.
Now the plan is for happiness and if something happens in order to interrupt you, beat you to us the reverse. Annoyed us with any thing that even we do not seem unpleasant at the moment but that was not in our plans.
We can not plan the details, only the general outline. People who are attentive to every detail of their lives are not normal. You can not control what is controllable human resources. We must accept the unexpected, because the more we try to dominate longer feel thwarted.
What we do not have the field is probably dominated by something bigger. And if it is something bigger than ourselves. And being on top and has not destroyed because it wants to teach us, let us realize something. We have to stop and try to tune in later.Physical laws are out there, governed by probabilistic event of uncertainties, dualities and symmetries. And with it comes to laws, there is rationality in them, not produced by our limited minds, only discoveries. The clock is ticking, but the ticking of the clock can stop. But we were upset by this.
Make rain or shine in the opposites because we want to dominate the non-controllable.All things, facts, events together for good to those who are attentive to the largest, the upper one who has mastery of all things.

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